Privacy Policy

Our company complies with the Personal Information Protection Act and other related laws and regulations. In addition, our company has established a "Personal Information Protection System (Hereinafter referred to as our company's policy)". We will steadily implement and maintain a personal information protection management system and strive for continuous improvement.

Our company will appoint a manager for each department that handles personal information, establish a system to appropriately manage personal information, disseminate our company regulations to our officers and employees, and strive to ensure thorough compliance.

Our company handles personal information within the scope of the purpose of use specified to the customer. In addition, we will not disclose or provide personal information of the customers to third parties unless we have the customer's consent or there is a legitimate reason.

Our company keeps personal information accurate and up-to-date, strives to prevent unauthorized access to personal information, leakage, loss, and damage, and continuously improves and corrects information security.

Our company will sincerely and promptly respond to inquiries and requests for disclosure of personal information from customers.

Issue Date June 1, 2017

Ruby Development Vietnam Co., Ltd

CEO Ashida Hideyuki